Friday, 30 March 2012

The Broken Calculator

Hello Maths Group,

Here is the broken calculator challenge we were looking at today. Can you find a way to make all the numbers from 1 - 20, using only the keys shown?

Good luck.


Mr. Bennett

Thursday, 29 March 2012

The Carbon Calculator

The carbon cycle is a horrbily boring cycle to learn about but it is important as it affects climate change. If you realy want to know this terrible stuff just read on if not, don't. All living things contain carbon, Carbon is a gas and its always on the move. Carbon is made when we burn fuels. Most of the carbon is from pollition. Carbon is also made because of dead living things and waste but trees take in carbon and breath out oxygon. If you fly from a place to another place you use a lot of carbon but you can pay money for new trees so they can make oxygon and take in carbon. You see how boring this is?

To wake you up we have a game for you to play.
Calculate your carbon footprint

See how much carbon you use! Can you reduce your footprint?


Cillian and Young Hoon

Thursday, 22 March 2012

Whodunnit? - You be the detective

Hello Big Writing Group,

Now is your chance to show your detective skills, below are the details of two fictional murders; read the information and use the clues to solve the murder, write who you think did it and why in the comments. Good luck detectives!


Mr. Bennett

Case 1

One evening there was a murder in the home of married couple, their son and daughter. One of these four people murdered one of the others. One of the members of the family witnessed the crime.
The other one helped the murderer.
These are the things we know for sure:
1. The witness and the one who helped the murderer were not of the same sex.
2. The oldest person and the witness were not of the same sex.
3. The youngest person and the victim were not of the same sex.
4. The one who helped the murderer was older than the victim.
5. The father was the oldest member of the family.
6. The murderer was not the youngest member of the family.

Who was the murderer?

Case 2

Six men whose names are Marty Edison, David Davis, Jim Smith, Larry Graig, Fred Stevenson, and Bob Morrison were in an elevator together. Suddenly, the lights went out. When the lights came back on, Marty Edison was found stabbed. Other detectives have investigated. They have questioned the suspects, the witnesses, and people who know the suspects. They have collected physical evidence (hair samples, fiber samples, etc.) from the crime scene. They have collected 14 clues, but have not been able to solve the crime. Therefore, they have called in the world's greatest detective, YOU. You must now examine the clues and solve the murder.

No two suspects have the same wife's first name, color umbrella, color car, color shirt, or height.
The suspect who was carrying a black umbrella was wearing a black shirt.
Bob Morrison was carrying a white umbrella.
David Davis is 6 feet tall.
The murderer was wearing a white shirt.
The suspect who was wearing a yellow shirt is not the one who has a wife named Sue.
The suspect who has a wife named Sally is not the one who is 6 feet tall.
Jim Smith has a wife named Betty.
The suspect who was wearing a white shirt has a wife named Betty.
The suspect who was carrying a black umbrella has a wife named Sally.
The suspect who was carrying an orange umbrella is not the one who owns a red car.
The suspect who has a wife named Joyce was carrying a purple umbrella.
Fred Stevenson owns a purple car.
Larry Graig has a wife named Jill.
The suspect who was wearing a green shirt was carrying a purple umbrella.

Monday, 19 March 2012

International Week - 2012

Last week we had an international week. It was really fun. We were sorted into groups based on the houses we were in- blue, red, yellow and green.

Every group got a leader either from year 6 or year 5. Whoever the leader was, they got a printed out passport with their name, with the names of the members in their team and the plan to which countries they are going to, through out the week.

Each group went to ten countries. Each country had a different activity. The activity in each country was based on information from the country.

Every teacher made a poster with key facts about the country they were doing. It was very important to listen to the facts the teachers were saying about the country they were doing because at the end of the week, on Friday, we were going to have a quiz from the information we learned at the different countries.

                                         Ancient Greece-Designing Own Mythical Creatures
                                                             Czech Republic- Ink Printing
                                                           Hawaii- Designing Flip Flops
                                                                 Italy-Spagheti Fun
                                                     Scotland-Making Your Own Tartans
                                                   South Africa- Making Pasta Necklaces
                                          Switzerland- Making Chocolate


Zuzana and Sharon

Wednesday, 14 March 2012

Lea's rabbit - HELP Dusty!

                                                          I need help with my rabbit!!!

I have a rabbit called Dusty. I always let him run around my room and always give him some things to play with or something to chew on. Sometimes it workes but sometimes he just runs away. I need help to make Dusty happier!

Here is my wallwisher: Wallwisher - Lea's rabbit

Ahhh my cute little rabbit
By Lea

Kiribati is sinking!

We were learning about Climate Change and how it affects countries, we studied Kiribati and we found out that the island is sinking and that the president wants to move the 100,000 islanders all the way to Fiji and he thought that eventually all of the people in Kiribati will die. And he also thought that he could make walls out of rubbish so the water will be blocked by the walls out of rubbish.

The President of Kiribati

We read the story here: BBC News - Kiribati

And we made a wallwisher about this story here: Kiribati wallwisher

And we are working on a website with children in Kiribati here:

The flag of Kiribati

By Young Hoon and Frank

Tuesday, 6 March 2012

The Teachers!!!

Did you want to find out even more about our teachers in Year 5? Well now you can because we interviewed Ms. Kalinec, Ms. Gillan and Mr. Bennett. Make sure you watch the videos to the end as you will see them doing their best 'dance' moves!


Cillian and Iva.

                                         An interview with Ms. Kalinec.

                                           An interview with Ms. Gillan.

                                           An interview with Mr. Bennett.

Monday, 5 March 2012

Maths - Letter Prices (Can you beat Mr. B!!!)

Hello maths group,

Here is the letter prices work we were doing today where I managed to make 3 excellent words that cost 50p whilst the rest of you only managed 2! Mmwwwahahahahahahahahahahahahahah!!!

See how many words you can make - there will be prizes for the best words.

Good luck.


Mr. Bennett

A reminder of the words we already had:


Thursday, 1 March 2012

Past, Present and Future sentences

Hello Big Writing group,

Your homework this week is to write 3 sentences for each picture, 1 sentence to say what has happened, 1 saying what is happening and 1 saying what will happen (past, present, future). Your sentences should obviously be complex sentences full of WOW words, bonus points will be awarded for original, imaginative and funny sentences.

By Mr Bennett

Picture 1

Picture 2

Picture 3

Picture 4

Picture 5

Picture 6