Friday, 31 May 2013


Hello Year 5, here is the super tricky maths problem from Mr. Mclaughlin:

______    =


Remember that every different letter represents a different number while every same letter must represent the same number.

Good luck

PS: well done to Aika for being the first one to correctly solve it.

Thursday, 16 May 2013

Sum Square!

Hello maths group, try to complete the following 'Sum Square' - good luck it is not easy! mmwwahahahahahahahahaha - (evil laugh!)

You want help with Ratio?

Hello maths group here is an excellent website for revising ratio?

Do the revision

Try the activity

Take the test


You want help with Mean, Mode, Median and Range?

Hello maths group here is an excellent website for finding mean, mode, median and range:

Do the revision

Try the activity

Take the test


You want help with Fractions?

Hello maths group here is an excellent website for revising fractions:

Do the revision

Do the activity

Take the test


Mr. Bennett

Thursday, 9 May 2013

Four to Seven

Hello maths group today we tried to complete this starter but we were unable to find a way to make; 5, 6, 15, 16 or 20! (A different 20 than is already shown). Your challenge is to see if you can find a way to make these answers. Good luck

Friday, 3 May 2013

Maths - Windmills + How Many Rooms

Hello maths group here are two fun and challenging activities for you to attempt:

Neil Armstrong - Comprehension

Hello Year 5 here is a short comprehension about Neil Armstrong for you to complete.