Wednesday, 12 June 2013

Sea Shells

Hello  maths group here is another delightful little problem for you to solve

Friday, 7 June 2013

Make your own word problems

Hello Maths group use the following calculations to make 5 word problems of your own (and solve the problems too).

Thursday, 6 June 2013

It's the final countdown!

Hello maths group here are some countdowns for you to try - all of them are possible and you may use a calculator to help you. Good luck




Letters - numbers puzzles

Hello maths group here are some problems similar to 'send + more = money'. Try to solve as many as you can:

1)   fred+sebi=jorik

2)       mario+simon=Andrej

3)      aika+banu=maths

4)      dog+cat=zoo

5)      give+more=choc

6)      stop+your=noise

7)      timi+talk=angry

8)      apple+orange=banana

9)      need+help=tests

10)   czech+praha=school