Wednesday, 6 June 2012

Olympic moments!

As part of our Olympic topic we have been doing work on our favourite Olympians - one of my most memorable olympic moments is Derek Redmond in 1992. Study the video and then answer the following questions: 1) Which Olympic games was Derek competing in? 2) Which event was Derek competing in? 3) What happened to Derek during the race? 4) Why did the officials try to get Derek off the track? 5) Why did Derek carry on 'running'? 6) Why do you think Derek was crying? 7) Derek's dad said 'You don't have to do this' Derek replied 'I do' a) - Did Derek HAVE to finish the race? b) - Why did Derek say he had to finish? By Mr. Bennett


  1. number 3 during the race Derek felt some pain by sharon

  2. Derek Redmond was competing in athlethis.

  3. Derek was competing Barcelona 92 Olympic games. By sharon

    1. Sharon,
      He was in the Barcelona Olympics in 1992 not 92.

  4. 1. Derek was competing in the 1992 Olympic games in Barcelona.

    2. He was competing in the 400 meter sprint.

    3. During the race (in which he was doing very well) his hamstring tore. He fell to the floor in pain.

    4. The officers tried to get Dereck of the running track because the race had already finished and they thought that Dereck wounldn't finish the race, therefore he was waisting time.

    5. Dereck carried on running because it was his dream to compete in the Olympics, a dream he had been aiming for his whole life, so he atleast full filled his dream by crossing that finish line.

    6. I think he was crying because his dream was to win the Olympics and he had a good chance of winning which became crushed by him tearing his hamstring. I also think he was crying because he was happy that his dad helped him finish his dream and that eventhough he came last, he still crossed the finish line.

    7A. He did not have to finish the race.

    7B. He said he had to do it because this was the race he had been training for his whole life and it was his dream to cross the finish line.

  5. 3)During the race Derek got pain and fell down ht race was alredy done but Derek finished the race and his father helped him.

  6. 1)Dererk Redmond was competing in the Bracelona 1992 Summer Olympic Games.

    2)Derek was competing in the 400m sprint.

    3)Derek tore his hamstring when he was 150m into the race.

    4)The officials tried to get Derek off the track because when you tear your hamstring you can no longer run. With a torn hamstring he ciuldn't run so the judges decided that there was no point in running the race.

    5)Derek carried on 'running' because that was his dream and he wanted to finish that race.

    6)I think taht Derek was crying because that was what he had trained for his whole life. Now his dream was ruined and he knows that he wouldn't ever be able to run as good as that ever again.

    7a)Derek didn't have to finish his race.

    7b)Derek said that he had to finish the race because it was his dream and he had waited his whole life just for that moment.I think that he had to finish so he could say that he didn't give up and so he could say that he had finished the race.

  7. 1] Barcelona 1992
    2] Athletics, runing
    3] His lrg mussel ripred
    4] Because every one was finished and he was ingured.
    5] Because it was his dream to win and he was strong so he didnt give up.
    6] Because of the pain and that it was his dream to win.
    7]a No he did not have to finish the race
    b] Because when you start some thing you should finish it and not give up.

  8. 1. 1992 barcelona
    2.he was competing 400m sprint
    3.the thy muscle felt pain(torn).
    4.because he can't run any more and he is injured.
    5.because he didn't wanted to give up and he had a good chance of winning a gold medal.
    6.because he lost and his dream was cracked up to pieces.
    7. a. no but he still wanted to finsh it was his dream, soul and his future to win the 400m sprint.
    b.he said he had to finish because before the race the people thought that he will win and cheered for so he didn't want to le them down

  9. Derek was sprinting to be the first one he needed to do 400meters. By sharon HARD I COULDEN'T DO THAT!!!!

  10. He got a standing ovaation from the crowd even louder than the winner!

    1. zuzka, not ovaation, but ovation!

  11. 1)it was Barcelona 1992
    2)he was competing in the 400m sprint
    3)he fell on the ground with a torn hamstring
    4)Because he still couldn't finish in the first three and to them, now it was no point finished he or not
    5)Even if he finished the last he still would be remembered as a good sprinter.
    6)Derek was crying because he lost basicly everything that he had in his life: his carier, his deepest dream, and many more!
    7)a)no he didn't because it was no point, but he wanted to!b)because he wanted to be remembered and i think he thought that it would be like being disqualified!

  12. num 4 the official try to stop him because, they thought he could't do the next part.

  13. num 5 DErek carried on running because he thought - won many races so why should't I do this one!!!!-

    1. sharon wrote num 5 from sharon

  14. 1) Barcelona 1992
    2)400 meter
    3)He tore his hamstring
    4)Because Derek tore his hamstring and its a very serious injury and he might make it worse if he carrys on.
    5)Because it was his dream to compete in a final and he traind all his life for this moment.
    6)Because such a injury would never heal 100% so he might not go to the finals again.
    7) a) He had to finish the race beccause he would never have the opportunitty to do this again in life.
    7) b)As I said he only can do this one time in his life and it was his biggest dream . He might not have won but he could still be pruod to say he copeted in the final. Its a opportunity you cant miss and you will only get to do it once in life. So that is why derek said he had to finish

  15. 1) Derek was competing in athelethis running. 2) On the video Derek was comepting in athlethis runnig. 3) Derek felt pain and fell down the race was already over but Derek dident give up he ran to the finish line and his father helped him. 4) Becuse the race was finsihed but Derek dident want to give up. 5)Becsue this was his dream and he wanted to finsih the race. 6) Becuse it was Derek dream and then he was sad becuse he got pain. 7) Becuse he tranied all his life and he dident want to give up. He dident have to finsih the race but he wanted to.

  16. 1. Derek was in the 1992 Barcelona Olympics.
    2. Derek was in the 400 metre sprint.
    3. Derek tore his hamstring muscle
    4. The officials tried to get Derek of the track because he was severly injured and couldnt run and finish the race.
    5. Derek carried on running because he wanted to finish the race and he had trained all of his life for this.
    6. Derek was crying because he couldnt win the race he had been training for all of his life and his career was practically ruined.
    7. a) Derek didnt HAVE to finish the race but he wanted to because he had been, as said before, trained all of his life and he didnt want to give up
    7. b) Derek said he had to finish because this was his lifetime ambition and he wanted to finish.

  17. num 6 Derek was crying because he thought i lost it what can i do now

  18. 1)The Barcelona olympic games 1992.
    2)Dereck was competing the 400 meter sprint.
    3)He tore is hamstring.
    4)They tried to get him of the track because it was late because because all the runners finneshed the race and the other reason is that they wanted to get him to hospital.
    5)Dereck carried on running because he wanted to finish is race eventhough he knew the race was over and he lost.
    6)Dereck was crying because it was his dream and it was ruind thats why he was crying he was very sad.
    7a)Dereck didnt have to finnish the race but he was training for a long time so he wantded to see that if you try not to give up you can make it.
    7b)He said he watns to finnish because he was trainig and trying his best to go to the finals of 400 meter sprint and he did but when he tore his hamstring he was lost in his mind because he really wanted to win the race of the finals.

  19. 1]1992 Barcelona

    2]400m sprinr in the final

    3]he tore his hamstring

    4]becausehe looked realy heart

    5]because it was his dream and he was training his whole life for the final

    6]because his whole dream has just desapered

    7]a]no but he wanted to so he did

    7]b]because if you dream of something you want to acomplish it and thats exactely what he did
