Monday 11 February 2013

Our Humorous Poems

In Year 5 we have been writing our funny poems, we watched and read some and then we wrote our own, here they are, what do you think?

By Mr. Bennett

Albert and the Lion

My Parents Sent me to the Store


  1. Stevie

    by Simon Hill

    Hello my name is Stevie,
    My colds are very wheezy.

    I live inside the pc,
    And I like to watch TV.
    Whenever I feel cold,
    My brother turns to GOLD!

    When I’m bored,
    I drive my new ford.
    Now I’m going to work,
    I have a little smirk.
    My Boss uses dental floss when I’m not there,
    So I tell him to share!

    Today I’ve got a day off,
    However I got a nasty COUGH!

  2. Sebastian Brown
    Age 10
    PBS Vlastina

    Monday 11th February
    Mr Bennett
    My teacher’s Mr Bennett
    Clever enough to be in the senate
    He knows how to teach
    But still can find time to sunbathe on the beach
    He has a cool car
    Could be a rock star
    He is super
    Never makes a blooper
    He’s amazing
    His knowledge is crazing
    He’s a merry soul
    Every now and then he likes a sausage roll
    He’s very handsome
    For maths starters he uses transum
    But his best friend Mr Brady
    Is an old lady
    He’s super at squash
    He has lots of panache

    1. Nice sebi I like the Mr. Brady part most!

    2. wonderful poem Sebi but what panache mean?

    3. Means elegant, handsome etc.

    4. Great poem good imagination

    5. Wow what a way to describe Mr.Bennett.

  3. I got a cat
    And it ate my rat
    My dad is fat
    So he stepped on my cat
    Meanwhile my mum was having a chat
    Her phone beeped and then it went splat
    My cat was fluffy
    She said oh that comfy
    My cat got vast
    But she wasn’t fast
    She had more hair
    So she looked like a bear
    I shouted that’s not fair!
    Mum said I don’t care
    But the pet doesn’t have any air!

    1. I like the poem. The bit that is very funny is the one 'I shouted that's not fair!' to the end. :)

    2. Weird poem Timi but loved every bit of it

    3. The poem was very funny,I liked the bit where it said my cat got vast but she wasn't fast.

  4. My great-grandma
    I have a great-grandma,
    she lives on top of a hill,
    she isn’t ever tired,
    and not even ill.

    Every weekend we come to visit our great-grandma,
    and her pets,
    her pets are sharks and crocodiles that live in tiny nets.

    One day I asked my granny what is her job,
    she said she is a thief,
    but she steels only beef.

    While eating a bun,
    we had great fun,
    she said she loves fighting,
    but she hates writing.

  5. The worst teacher ever!
    My teacher is really bad,
    He makes us do annoying work,
    At school we are sad,
    As he always goes berserk.

    My teacher has a flashy car,
    And he is really fat,
    He should really be a rock star,
    Everyone would laugh at that.

    My teacher looks like a troll,
    He usually does an epic fail,
    He is as much worth as toilet roll,
    And he should be in jail

    1. I like the bits you added most!

    2. Nice work i like the jail.

    3. I really like the poem. I would not like to have this teacher.The verse I like most is the last one. It is funny.

  6. My nanny
    My nanny has a bat
    Just like her yellow spoty hat,
    She likes eating meat
    although she has smelly feet,
    My nanny is really cool
    But she doesn’t like picking us at school,
    She has a fat belly
    But she likes eating jelly,
    If the weather is foggy
    My nanny turns soggy,
    She has big teeth
    But she covers and glues with leafs,
    When it’s Halloween
    She turns pretty mean,
    When she was in the loo
    We sticked her bum with glue

    1. I like you poem. It is very funny!!! The bit I most is the part 'she has big belly, but she likes jelly'. It lookes that she is a nanny that you could have fun with.

  7. Marketa I really like your third and your
    first verse.And you have
    really good rhymes.

  8. Simon I liked your poem and
    the rhymes but you could
    write a bit more.

  9. My crazy hat

    My crazy hat,
    sleeps on a mat.
    Once it fell in love,
    with a squeeky rat!
    But after a while,
    the rat did not smile.
    The hat,
    likes to pat,
    even a cat!
    Once in the cafeteria,
    the hat killed a fierce bacteria.
    The people thought we were crazy,
    but after all they were lazy.
    But in addition,
    the hat belonges to a magician.

    1. Funny poem I like the end. I don't get why the didn't smile after a while

    2. I like your poem Marketa.But the best part is the beef thing.

    3. As I already said it is really funny, but it is a bit to short. :)

  10. Sebi you have a good poem.
    There is nothing you should
    improve it is good the way it is.

  11. Adndrej Hrabos 11th Monday February PBS Vlastina age 9
    My name is Mat,
    my pet is a bat.
    I drink wine,
    and I feel fine.
    I like the icy winter,
    So I hate the hot summer,
    my Dad plays in Inter (Inter Milan).
    When I have long hair,
    I look like a bear.
    My skin colour is yellow,
    so I look like a cool fellow.
    I play football and basketball
    but I'm not very tall.

    1. wonderful poem Andrej you should be proud of your self

    2. I like the rhyming words.Especially the last verse.

  12. Gilbert your poem is good
    although I really didn't
    understand the last


    I was sent to buy a loaf of bread,
    I ran outside, raced past the shed,
    And I arrived at the shop.
    I went to buy the loaf of bread,
    But I just deny,
    The talking teddy bear that could even say “HI!”,
    A creepy, scary Halloween eye,
    Yummy cream pie,
    A lovely tie,
    And a never-ending chocolate supply!

    I went to the counter with my hands full of toys,
    The lady exclaimed “Another one of those silly boys!”.
    When I was nearly finished packing up,
    I took my pup,
    And my fancy cup.
    Then I made my way back home.

    When I came back home,
    I made sure I had my book about Ancient Rome,
    And my fantastic bath foam.
    I grabbed the stuff,
    I’d had enough.
    Then my mum shouted “Where is the bread?”

    1. Fred I think your poem is really funny. I would like to know if your mother was really angry. :)

    2. your poem is really funny.

  14. Monday 11th February
    The Magician
    By Samyukta Varanasi 9 years old Year 5A Prague British School
    We wanted to see a magician
    I wondered if they would give us admission

    My sister thinks the magician will be cool
    I think the magician will be a fool

    His magic turned out to be bad
    I don’t know why he is on a T.V. ad!!!

    My sister was mad
    What a bad night I had

    I knew I was never coming back
    I hope the magician gets a smack

    What a failiure!!!

  15. Andrej your poem is good
    but what is a Inter Milan?

  16. My new parrot
    I already have 3 parrots,
    They eat 80 carrots!
    They fly a lot,
    I don’t even know what they got for Christmas
    They can already speak
    And they always peek

    My new parrot wears a beret
    He fly’s all over the place because he has not got a lot of space in his base

    The new parrot is glad that it isn’t alone
    He even has a new phone
    Although he doesn’t have hands
    He wears elastic band

    1. Mario I like your poem
      the best bit was at the end (last verse).

    2. I like the bit about the new phone

  17. I really like your poem
    Especially the end

  18. I like your poem Samyukta, but I think its a bit short.

  19. Samy some really good rhymes.

  20. I really like your poem Aika. The end was the best!

  21. Fred I really like the idea of your poem.

  22. Mario, I think you should have put there more rhymes.

  23. I think Gilbert that your poem is good but a bit short.
