Wednesday 12 June 2013

Sea Shells

Hello  maths group here is another delightful little problem for you to solve

Friday 7 June 2013

Make your own word problems

Hello Maths group use the following calculations to make 5 word problems of your own (and solve the problems too).

Thursday 6 June 2013

It's the final countdown!

Hello maths group here are some countdowns for you to try - all of them are possible and you may use a calculator to help you. Good luck




Letters - numbers puzzles

Hello maths group here are some problems similar to 'send + more = money'. Try to solve as many as you can:

1)   fred+sebi=jorik

2)       mario+simon=Andrej

3)      aika+banu=maths

4)      dog+cat=zoo

5)      give+more=choc

6)      stop+your=noise

7)      timi+talk=angry

8)      apple+orange=banana

9)      need+help=tests

10)   czech+praha=school

Friday 31 May 2013


Hello Year 5, here is the super tricky maths problem from Mr. Mclaughlin:

______    =


Remember that every different letter represents a different number while every same letter must represent the same number.

Good luck

PS: well done to Aika for being the first one to correctly solve it.

Thursday 16 May 2013

Sum Square!

Hello maths group, try to complete the following 'Sum Square' - good luck it is not easy! mmwwahahahahahahahahaha - (evil laugh!)

You want help with Ratio?

Hello maths group here is an excellent website for revising ratio?

Do the revision

Try the activity

Take the test


You want help with Mean, Mode, Median and Range?

Hello maths group here is an excellent website for finding mean, mode, median and range:

Do the revision

Try the activity

Take the test


You want help with Fractions?

Hello maths group here is an excellent website for revising fractions:

Do the revision

Do the activity

Take the test


Mr. Bennett

Thursday 9 May 2013

Four to Seven

Hello maths group today we tried to complete this starter but we were unable to find a way to make; 5, 6, 15, 16 or 20! (A different 20 than is already shown). Your challenge is to see if you can find a way to make these answers. Good luck

Friday 3 May 2013

Maths - Windmills + How Many Rooms

Hello maths group here are two fun and challenging activities for you to attempt:

Neil Armstrong - Comprehension

Hello Year 5 here is a short comprehension about Neil Armstrong for you to complete.

Wednesday 24 April 2013

Story openers

Hello Year 5,
Here you have 12 openings from Michael Morpurgo books, you have 2 tasks to do:
1) Read the openings and arrange them into 3 categories; action, speech or description
2) Choose which one opening you like best and explain why










Tuesday 23 April 2013

Michael Morpurgo

Hello Year 5,

Today we have been looking at a range of books by Michael Morpurgo, I would like you to choose one book which would make the best class reader for us. remember to justify and explain your choice.

Mr. Bennett

Thursday 11 April 2013

Friday 22 March 2013

More myths - the end!

Here are the myths of Banu and Seljan:
Seljan's myth
Banu's myth

More more more myths

Here are the myths from Elodie, Robbie and Fred:
Elodie's myth
Robbie's myth
Fred's myth

More, more myths from our class

Here are the myths and legends from Aika, Jorik and Timi:
Aika's myth
Jorik's myth
Timi's myth

More Myths from our class

Here are some more of the myths we have made in class:
Zachary's myth
Gilbert's myth
Mario's myth

Tuesday 19 March 2013

Myths in our class

In year 5 we made myth and legend videos! Here are the videos made by Simon, Marketa and Sebi. Simon made Hercules, Marketa did Medusa, and Sebi did the Sword in the Stone. There will be more to come in the next few days.


Sebi's myth
Marketa's myth
   Simon's myth

Tuesday 12 March 2013

Climate Change and Animals

In Year 5 we have been studying how climate change affects wildlife, we made a wall wisher about the subject, here it is:

Wednesday 6 March 2013

Tuesday 12 February 2013


In Year 5 we have also been studying limericks we wrote some of our own. Here they are.

Japanese Poetry

In Year 5 we have been studying different types of Japanese poetry; Haikus, Cinquains, Tankas, and Lanternes. Here is a selection of our work

Japanese Maths Challenge

Here is the maths puzzle from today, remember the rules:

Find The River


"Everybody has to cross the river".....The following rules apply:
Only 2 persons on the raft at a time
The father can not stay with any of the daughters without their mother's presence
The mother can not stay with any of the sons without their father's presence
The thief (striped shirt) can not stay with any family member if the Policeman is not there
Only the Adults know how to operate the raft
To start click on the big blue circle on the right.
To move the people click on them. To move the raft click on the pole on the opposite side of the river.

Monday 11 February 2013

Our Humorous Poems

In Year 5 we have been writing our funny poems, we watched and read some and then we wrote our own, here they are, what do you think?

By Mr. Bennett

Albert and the Lion

My Parents Sent me to the Store

Tuesday 5 February 2013

A trip to Havas Worldwide Digital!!!

Hello Year 5 - today we went on a cool trip to a video producing studio, here is your chance to share your thoughts about the trip.

Mr. Bennett

Friday 25 January 2013

Girls vs Boys

Hello Year 5 here is the original and entertaining video you have been working on in groups to solve the eternal problem of who is better; girls or boys...
Well done
Mr. Bennett

Tuesday 22 January 2013

Flashback Movies

Hello Year 5, you have been working very hard to complete your flashback movies and here are the finished results.
I am very impressed with your movies
Mr. Bennett
Aika, Jorik, Andrej + Samyukta
 Gilbert, Mario, Banu + Seljan
Marketa, Elodie, Alicia, Timi + Zachary
Sebi, Robbie, Viktor + Simon

Thursday 17 January 2013

Invention of Love + The Piano

Hello Year 5 here are the two films we have been studying this week ready for you to add dialogue and narration to.

Good luck

Mr. Bennett

Friday 11 January 2013

How many Clowns and Horses

Hello Maths class,

Here is the starter of the day from this week, see if you can solve it.

Good luck

Mr. Bennett

Tuesday 8 January 2013

There has been a thief in a Year 5 classroom. Can you gather any evidence for who it might be from this CCTV footage?

Can you guess who the thief is from the clues the teachers give in their statements.

Here are Year 5 trying to find out who the main suspect is.

Try our video maker at Animoto.

Here are Year 5 explaining who think think stole the laptops. Do you think they are right?