Friday 7 June 2013

Make your own word problems

Hello Maths group use the following calculations to make 5 word problems of your own (and solve the problems too).


  1. 1. In the local editing company there were 473 newspapers which needed editing. In the local printing press company there were 918 magazines.
    How many newspapers and magazines are altogether??? Ans= 1391

    2. There were 826 children Oakland school. They were all going on a field trip. They all needed to give permission slips. 274 children didn't give their permission slips. How many children went??? Ans= 552

    3. There were 36 shelves. Each shelf held 21 cartons of milk. How many bottles were there all together??? Ans=756

    4. 136 packages needed to be transported to Antarctica. Each airplane could carry 17 packages. How many airplanes were needed to take all of the packages??? Ans= 9

    5. 136 people went to the national theme park.
    Every ride could have a maximum of 15 people.
    How many rides are needed to make sure that every person gets a ride??? Ans= 10

  2. Here are the spellings
    Typhoon: On the news it said there is a big typhoon in Asia

    Troops: "READY YOUR TROOPS!"

    Swoon: The athlete swooned after his race.

    Baboon: Baboon's are a big type of monkey.

    Looping: The cars were looping the track very fast!

    Bamboo: There were a patch of bamboo in the forest.

    Bamboozle: He bamboozled his friends into thinking he won a competition.

    Cartoon: My sister watches lots of cartoons.

    Snooze: When my dad snoozes he snores to!

    Waterproof: My rain coat I waterproof.

  3. 1. There are 473 children in Kamyk and 918 children in vlastina. How many children are there all together ?
    2. A gorilla weighs 826 kg. A chimpanzee weighs 274 kg. What is the difference of their weights ?
    3. in a school there is 21 classes, in each class there is 36 children. How many children are there all together ?
    4. A school of 136 children are going to a trip. Each bus careas 17 children. How much busses are needed ?
    5. There are 136 apples. There are 15 children. If they take the same amount of apples how much does each child get ?

  4. 1. At the 'Full Palace Cinema' 918 boys turned up for the latest bond movie 'Skyfall', which had already been the 3rd most succesfull movie ever. The movie wasn't that popular for girls though. 506 girls planned to go but later only 473 came.96% of the cinema was full. How many boys and girls went to the cinema?
    Solution: 671

    2.826 people went to watch a football match.
    109,439,480 people watched it on TV. Half-way through the match 268,190 people who were watching it on Tv turned the game off because it was boring and the score was 0-0. Before the game ended, 508 people who were at the football match had a beer and 274 left because it was getting late(it was 13:25). How many people at the match left before the game ended?
    Solution: 552

    3. A girl at school was stuck on a maths question. The question was 21x36. What is the awnser to the girls quection?
    Solution: 756

    4.197348080 was the first code in the code machine.
    34727973497329 was the second.
    949w84805803ifhiu34993u9uq30 was the third. What is 136/17?
    Solution: 8

    5.15 school children were in the school bus on their way from Prague 6 to Paris 8 which is 979km. They stopped in Rome, which added 89km to the journey. The teacher had 136 sweets with 100 calories each. If the teacher wanted to share all the sweets equally between all the children, how many seets would each child get?
    Solution: 9

  5. Sum Story
    1) One there was a boy called Jake he had 473 coins that he made then he made another 918 coins how much coins did Jake have?
    2) A famous person had 826 pound although he spent 274 pound .So how many pounds does have left.
    3)There were 21 girls a 36 boys what would be the sum if you times it.
    4) There were 136 sweets and 17 children how many sweets did each child get?
    5) There were 136 crisps and 5 children how many crisps did each child get?

  6. 1) In the school there are 473 girls and 918 boys. Each girl has a special pen. How many children are there all together?= 1391 children

    2) Adela has 826 apples. A lady buys 274 apples. How much does Adela have left?= 552 apples.

    3) There are 21 children on a bus. If 36 full bus go to school, how many children?= 756

    4) 136 children play a game. If they split up in 17 groups, how many children are in each group?= 8

    5) There are 136 apples. 15 children need to share the apples. How many apples does each child get?=9 remainder 1

  7. Gill had 473 sweets, and Jack had 918. How many sweets did Jack and Gill have together?

    There is a very important meeting. 826 people are supposed to come, unfortunately, 274 do not come. How many people come?

    Year 11C have 21 pages of homework. Their class consists of 36 children. How many pages does the hole class do altogether.

    Year 1A have 136 chocolate bars, and 17 children. How many chocolate bars does everyone have to have an equal amount?

    Year 9D go on a trip to Tokyo. It (Year 9D) has 15 children. The trip flights cost 136 altogether. How much does each person pay?

  8. Here are all my maths:

    Sum story

    Q1. 2 schools go to the cinema. There are 473 children in one school and 918 in the other, how many places do the 2 schools need to reserve?
    Answer=1391 seats need to be reserved.

    Q2. There are 826 rooms in a hotel. They are all occupied except 274 rooms. How many rooms are occupied?
    Answer=552 rooms are occupied.

    Q3. In Tom's shool there are 36 children in every classroom and there are 21 classrooms. How many children are there in Tom's school?
    Answer=756 children in Tom's school.

    Q4. You can fit 17 bottles of water in a box. How many boxes are needed for 136 bottles?
    Answer=8 boxes are needed.

    Q5. A shopkeeper only takes eggs by 15 and there are 136 eggs. How many packs will he take?
    Answer=9 packs of 15.

