Friday 3 May 2013

Neil Armstrong - Comprehension

Hello Year 5 here is a short comprehension about Neil Armstrong for you to complete.


  1. 1.Armstong was from the USA

    2.Being a test pilot, flying over 200 planes and working for the Navy inspied Neil Armstrong to be an astronaut.

    3a) I would and wouldn't like to be the first man on the moon because if I was the first man on the moon, then I would be frightened and nervous. On the other hand, I would be a hero and I would be remebered for the rest of the human race.

    3b) I think humans people will live on the moon in a few billion or million years because there will be a situation such as: global warming, too many humans on earth, pollution or the sun will be about to hit the earth. That will mean humans will have to live somewhere else.

    4. The race was between USA and Russia

    5.NASA sent a robot to the moon to make sure ot will be safe for humans.

    6."The eagle has landed." were the first words spoken on the moon.

    First man to space
    First women to space

    First monkey to space
    Sent robot to moon
    Landed an astronaut on moon4

    8.I think Neil Armstrong is a hero because he was in the Navy and he was brave to be the first man to go to the moon.

  2. 1: Niel Armstron was from USA
    2A: Flying in the navy and being a test pilot inspired Armstrong in being an astronaut.
    3A: No, I would not want to be an astronaut. I think that being an astronaut is very risky because there is a 70% chance that you will die during take of already.
    3B: Yes because the sun gets hotter and hotter and I think that it might be that hot that people won't be able to live on planet Earth in addition to there are people that are already building houses on the moon.
    4: The space race was between Russia and USA.
    5: NASA sent a robot spaceship on the moon to make sure that they could land safely.
    6: Sent first man into space: Russia
    Sent first women into space: Russia
    Sent a robot spaceship to the moon: USA
    Landed an astronaut on the moon: USA


    1. I am concerned about the talent show semi final.
    2. The weather condition is bad and so I can not play football.
    3: It is hard being a conductor for a famous orchestra.
    4: I confide only to my closest friends.
    5: I would not like getting into a confusion at the talent show.
    6: The judge has to consider who gets into the talent show final.
    7: It has been raining constantly for the whole day.
    8: I like the construction of the Dancing House.
    9: Mr.Bennett gives constructive advices.
    10: Everybody in a restaurant is a consumer.


  3. Spellings
    1. He has never been concerned what other people think about him.
    2.My grate-grandma is in a great condition.
    3. Mr. Bennett wants to be a conducter.
    4. She confided that she hates her sibling.
    5. There was a big confusion about who won or not.
    6. We are always considerate to old people.
    7. She drove in a constant speed.
    8. Some people like construction club.
    9. I am not a constructive type.
    10. I know a connsumer society.

    1. Armstrong was from USA.
    2. His experiences as a test pilot inspired him to be an astronaut.
    3a. I would like to be the first human on the moon because I would be famous.
    3b. I do not think humans will on moon because we would need to breathe but even if we had a spacesuit, the air would last just few hours.
    4. Russia and USA had a race to the moon.
    5. They sent a robot to space to make sure the people that were going to land on the moon landed safe.
    6. The first words said on the moon were "A small step for a man but a giant leap for a mankind."
    7.Sent the first man into space= Russia
    Sent the first woman into space= Russia
    Sent a robot spaceship to the moon= USA
    Landed an astronaut on the moon= USA
    8.I think Neil Armstrong isn´t a hero because he didn´t do anything that helped people or changed something in the world.

  4. 1. I am concerned about what will happen tommorrow.

    2. I am in good condition today.

    3. Bob will be the conducter today.

    4. I will confine myself to my room.

    5. I think there was a slight confusion.

    6. You are considerate.

    7. In town, I am constantly hearing loud noises.

    8. Is the construction finished?

    9. Will you talk about somthing constructive.

    10. A consumer is a person or a thing that consumes.

  5. 1. Armstrong was from America
    2. He flew over 200 different types of aircraft
    3a. I wouldn’t want to be a astronaut because I would be scared that something will go wrong and its kind of a risk of your life.
    3b. I don’t really think it will definitely happen but there is 5% that it might happen. (I don’t think so)
    4. Russia and America
    5. To Check if its alright and if all of the things work. (check if people would survive in the rocket)
    6. “That’s one small step for (a) man, one giant leap for mankind.”
    7. Sent the first man into space: Russia
    First women into space: Russia
    Robot spaceship to the moon: America
    First Landed astronaut on the moon: America
    8. I think Armstrong is a hero because he showed all the people that its possible to stand on the moon.
    1. I was concerned at the celebration assembly.
    2. I need some more air condition.
    3. I am the conductor of this job.
    4. Confide your secret.
    5. There was a confusion in school.
    6. Considerate means that you have respect and that you are not selfish.
    7. The days are going Constantly.
    8. I like Construction ( I invent Make And stuff like that)
    9.You are very Constructive.
    10. You are a consumer in shops.

  6. 1 USA
    2 His experiences as a test pilot inspired him to become an astronaut
    3A No because I hate roller coasters (the feeling you get in your tummy) and I have heard that it is the same as a roller coaster.
    3B I don't think humans will ever live on the moon because we are happy on the earth and there is now reason to live on the moon.
    4 The 2 countries aiming to land on the moon first was between the USA and Russia.
    5 Nasa sent a robot spaceship to the moon to make it could land safetly.
    7Usa sent a monkey into space
    Russia sent the first man in space(Yuri Gagarin)
    Russia sent the first woman in space
    The USA sent a robot spaceship to the moon
    The US sent an astronaut on the moon
    8 I don't think Neil is a hero because someone would have landed on the moon anyway as russia were planning to do it.

  7. 1. USA
    2. Neil Armstrong was inspired by his experience of being a test pilot.
    3A. To be an astronaut, and to have the first steps on the moon especially, would be quite an experience but it's bot my cup of tea. The waiting, the time of not being able to see friends of family would dread you, so why not.
    3B. I think there is a chance that grows in having human inhabitants of the moon. Every seven seconds, we (in terms of humans) gain a person, meaning the earth will not have enough room.

    4. The space race was between: The USA and Russia.

    5. NASA sent a robot spaceship to the moon so they didn't risk people's lives and ensured the people would land to earth safely.

    6. "The eagle has landed."

    7. Sent first man into space: Russia
    Sent first women into space: Russia
    Sent first robot spaceship into space: The USA
    Landed an astronaut on the moon: The USA

    8. Neil Armstrong in my eyes is not a hero, but for those who are a fan of space and rockets, he may be.

    1. I was concerned that I would get fever.
    2. I was in no condition to play the football match.
    3. John Williams is a conductor.
    4. Barack Obama wanted to confide his secret.
    5. There was lots of confusion between the twin brothers.
    6. My friends are very considerate about me.
    7. My sister constantly annoys me.
    8.There was a building construction near our house.
    9. My sister is constructive with her LEGO bricks.
    10. The consumer at the shop bought lots.

  8. Spelling words.
    1) The tourists were concerned.
    2) Mr.Benett is in a good condition.
    3) We have a conductor in our orchestra.
    4) Confide means to discuss private problems.
    5) I had a confusion from counting all the scores up.
    6) She will considerate to the guest.
    7) Let's leave the uniforms constantly.
    8) Let's make a construction
    9) Constructive means in order and everything good and not messy .
    10) That man is a really big consumer.

  9. Comprehension
    1) Neil Armstrong came from United States of America.
    2) Neil Armstrong's experiences as a test pilot inspired him to become a astronaut.
    3a) I would like to be the first girl in the moon because then I would be the first heman being to see the moon as well as to see how it feels there .
    3b) I think a quarter of people will live there and the rest not I think that quarter will live their because it is quite fun to live in completely different place and I think the rest won't live there because on the other hand it is better to live the way you want.
    4) The race was between Russia and United States of America.
    5) The NASA sent a spaceship robot just to make sure they will come back safe.
    6) The first words in the moon were" the eagle has landed''
    7) Sent a monkey into space is USA , Sent the first man in space was Russia , Sent first women to space was Russia , Sent spaceship robot to moon was USA , Landed a astronaut to moon was USA.
    8) I think Neil Armstrong is not a hero but he is just a bit less then hero I think that because he was a brave man that he went to the moon and made USA win by that.

  10. 1=USA
    2=Because of his experiences when he was a test pilot.
    3=Yes because it would be a really good moment in my life.
    3=Yes if something goes wrong on earth.
    4=Russia and USA
    5=To make sure they will land safely.
    6=The eagle has landed.
    8=Yes i think he was a hero because he was really brave to go to the moon.

  11. Spelling words
    I am concerned about that.
    You can do everything under this condition.
    The conductor was good.
    He confided his fears to his mother.
    There seems to be some confusion.
    He was considerate.
    He is constantly hitting the ball.
    There was a skyscraper under construction.
    It was a constructive advice.
    It was a consumer demand.

  12. Neil Armstrong

    1. Neil Armstrong was from USA.

    2. He was inspired by his experiences as a test pilot.

    3a. No I would not have liked to be one of the first people on the moon because I don't wan't to be super famous and legendary like Neil Armstrong.

    3b. No I don't think so because there is a lot of gravity on earth since it is a lot smaller, and so we would walk-jump.

    4. The space race was between USA and Russia.

    5. NASA sent a robot spaceship first to make sure it was safe to land on the moon.

    6. They first words said on the moon were: "The Eagle has landed."

    7a. USA
    7b. USA
    7c. Russia
    7d. USA
    7e. USA

    8.I think Neil Armstrong is sort of a hero because he was the first man on the moon but Yuri Gagarin flied first over the moon. So I think he is a hero a little because he was in a spaceship for a long time going very sick and that would have made me sick!

  13. 1. Niel Armstong as from USA.
    2. His experience as a test pilot inspired him to become an astronaut.
    3a. I would not li to be the first person in space because I would be scared we won't land properly.
    3b. I think we will never live in space because there is no air.
    4. The race was between Russia and USA.
    5. USA sent a robot spaceship to the moon because they wanted to be sure that the people hat will go on the moon will be safe.
    6. The first words that were said in space were "The eagle has landed".
    7. a. USA b. Russia c. Russia d. USA e. USA

  14. Spelling:
    1.I was concerned by the fact that my friend was in hospital.
    2.The conductor who was conducting the orchestra was very strict so the people playing in the orchestra could never take a break.
    3.Unfortunately I constantly keep forgetting my homework.
    4.There was confusion in Black Town street when it became dark at mid day.
    5. I confided to my friend that there is a secret door at the back of my garden.
    6.Even though my teacher was giving me constructive criticism I still thought he was being harsh.
    7. I saw a documentary about the Empire State building.
    8. I estimate that one-thousand consumers shop at Kaufland everyday.
    9.My sister has been considerate and kind- hearted from when she was small.
    10. The conditions at the seaside were to hot for my mum so she needed to wear sun screen.

  15. Neil Armstrong Comprehension
    1. Neil Armstrong was born in USA.
    2. His experiences of being a test pilot inspired him to become an astronaut.
    3a. I think that it would be interesting to be the first person to be on the moon because you would have achieved something really unique and you would be famous.
    3b. I don't think that humans will ever live on the moon because there is no gravity and also you can't really build houses on the moon.
    4. The space race was between USA and Russia.
    5. NASA sent a robot spaceship to the moon because they wanted to know if it was safe for humans.
    6. " the Eagle has landed".
    7a. USA
    b. Russia
    c. Russia
    d. USA
    e. USA
    8. I think Neil Armstrong is a hero because he not only was the first man in space but also won the race.

  16. 1)Neil Armstrong is from Usa.
    2)His experirences as a test pilot inspired him to go to the moon.
    3a)I would not have liked to be the first human on the moon because it is dangerous up there.
    3b)I don't think humans will ever live on the moon because there is no gravity and oxegen.
    4)USA and Russia had a space race to the moon.
    5)NASA sent a space robot to the moon to see if it was safe for humans.
    6)The first word the Neil said when he was on the moon was"The eagle has landed"
    7)Sent the first man into space: USA
    Sent the first woman in space:USA
    Sent a robot spaceship to the moon:Russia
    Landed an astronaut on the moon:USA

  17. 1) Neil Armstrong was from USA
    2) Being a test inspired him to go to the moon.
    3 a) Although people would think about me for many more years after the flight, I would be too scared to go to the moon, because I wouldn't know if I would return safely or not.
    3 b) People could not live on the moon because there is no oxygen in space, but everything is possible.
    4) The space race was between Russia and USA.
    5) They send a robot spaceship to space, because they wanted to make sure that they would land safely.
    6) The first words that was said on the moon was 'The eagle has landed'.
    7) Russia: send a first man into space, first woman in space
    USA: send a monkey into space, send a robot spaceship to the moon, send the first astronaut to the moon.

  18. 1 ) The people were concerned.
    2) He was in a bad condition.
    3) The conductor was at the orchestra.
    4) I confided to my friend about my secret.
    5) In the shopping mall there was a big confusion.
    6) He was considerate to the old person.
    7) The sun was shining constantly.
    8) They were building a construction next to our garden.
    9) The toy was constructive.
    10) The horse is a big consumer.
